1. Produce an image of you studying and/or your equipment for study. It ought to
capture moments of intense study or moments of free time when playing with materials
or ideas becomes possible, when the expectations for productivity and efficiency are
left idle when individuals put a pause on their outcomes-based learning to take time
to get lost, repeat themselves, wander, stumble upon a question when individual experiences
create intellectual vertigo, and when the impulse to do busy-work is suspended unleashing
another rhythm to educational life.
2. Write about what you see in the self(study)ies. What does the image reveal about the conditions that make the study possible for you as a studier? Think about contextual (time, place, objects), physical (rest, relaxation, or tension), and psychological (mood) conditions that the image reveals.
Selfies are usually personal branding or image crafting to convey the message of living up to expectations of a successful, beautiful, productive, exciting, and fulfilling life. For this protocol, we want to hack into and render inoperative the function of the selfie turning it into a self(study)ie or a self-portrait of you as a studier.
Protocol Working Group
Tyson E. Lewis, Art Education Graduate Program Coordinator and Professor, University of North Texas, United States of America
James Thurman, Metalsmithing and Jewelry Program Coordinator and Associate Professor, University
of North Texas, United States of America
My Study Space
Study Face
Due to my lack of a studio
I do use my dining table as a
My Art Space vs My Homework Space
Two Spaces
Coffee Table.
Art Space and Homework Space
My Study Space, My Desk
I don't have one set area for
Spread Out
My Mini Studio
Self (Study)ies Not at Home
Study Space ( Kitchen Island)
Work Study Space
My floor
I'm fussy
It is so weird I feel that I
Self study-specific time of day
With the transition to online
At home
My "Studio"
Self(study)ies - Studio vs. Study
Art Studies
Study Space
Everywhere I Can
Self(study)ies - Assignment on a Unplanned Learning Experience
My Study Space