In this image, I see my computer on my desk at home with my list of what I need to do right next to it. Sometimes my computer will be replaced with a sketchbook or other art materials. I tend to do a lot of my studies at home in the afternoon or evenings since I normally have work or school in the mornings. I enjoy doing my studies at home because I can have snacks and drinks next to me or play with my dog when I need to take a break. Having a list of what I need to do is something I always have because to me it helps visualize and keep things in order; without it I would feel a little lost. Studying at home can be beneficial because I can be comfortable, but it can also lead me to take more breaks compared to if I go to a coffee shop to study. However, with how things are going in today's world, I will be seeing my computer on my desk more often as I study from home.