In this project, we were asked to take a photo of our personal study space. In the self-study
that I did, I took a photo of the top of my desk, which had all of my study tools
present. I decided to outline these tools in white, to emphasize that they are what
I rely on when studying. Everything else around the materials is depicted as neutral-toned
blocks of color, focusing on black, white, and gray. I chose these colors because
they represent simplicity, seriousness, and sometimes dullness. That is how I feel
when I study.
When I study, I tend to be serious and really focus on what assignments I need to complete. I sit in my room, at my desk, and study in silence. I get distracted easily, so the image is meant to show that the items left in color are the ones that I need to give my attention to. Honestly, when I am able to get in a zone of studying, I work very efficiently. Also, I almost get in a trance and forget where I am when I study. It is a serene experience for myself.
On the outside it looks kind of dark and depressing, but it's just how I am more productive. I tend to get very anxious around large groups of people, so in spaces where I can isolate myself, I feel more comfortable. Overall, I think this project was interesting. It was definitely a bit of a challenge since studying is not my favorite thing in the world, but I learned some new skills in photoshop while doing this. I think this would be a good lesson for me to bring into my own teaching.