This protocol uses the story feature on Instagram.
- Create a video of yourself breathing deeply OR hugging someone for about 15 seconds. Try to be fully present in the experience.
- Upload your video as a story to Instagram, tag @lab.synthe and use the hashtag #YouWillHeal.
The two simple interactions are selected for ease of accessibility and a universal healing language in which a variant of bodies can participate. By being fully present in the task at hand for 15 seconds an embodied change should start to take place.
Can you feel it? What would it be like if you completed this protocol every day for a month? How would you change? We will archive the videos and may recycle them in another project.
Follow LabSynthE on Instagram: @LabSynthE
New to Instagram Stories? Learn to create a new story on Instagram's Help web page.
Learn how to tag the lab.synthe's Instagram account on Instagram's Help web page: How do I mention someone in my story on Instagram?
Finally, the Hootsuite® blog is more extensive — we especially liked the “How to make Instagram Stories” and “How to add a hashtag to your Instagram Stories” sections on the web page titled The Complete Guide to Using Instagram Stories for Business.
Artists, makers, and educators often forget to stop and check in with their bodies. "You Will Heal" foregrounds the importance of a meditative, reflexive, studio practice; so much studio practice is driven by teleological goals. We propose an alternative. In the act of intentional breathing or hugging, we encourage contemplation, connection, and reflection. Through this simple pause, we envision an ongoing healing practice that invites embodied change in the audience and across publics.
Protocol Working Group
xtine burrough, creative director, LabSynthE, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas, U.S.A.
Sabrina Starnaman, director of research, LabSynthE, University of Texas at Dallas, U.S.A.
Submitted Content
Lisa Keuhn
Sarah Barimo