To suspend the accelerated pace of information gathering characteristic of internet
research, you will dwell in a place by listening to a local radio station for 2-3
days. Go to, and select a place that that you have been curious to visit but know little about.
It must be outside of the U.S. and/or your home country. Choose a radio station, and
make sure it is local to that place. Listen as many times as you can over 2-3-days,
and note the impression you form about the place. What do you begin to imagine about
it? How does it feel? What is happening there? What is the rhythm of life there?
To conclude the experience, write a summarizing description of your visual, social , and cultural perceptions of the place based on your experience listening to the local station. Then try to find actual facts on the place and consider how your research movements have changed through the experience of dwelling.
Submit your daily notes, imaginings, and reflections with the name and location of the station.
This protocol aims to suspend the rapid pace of online information-gathering, or what
we often just call, “Googling.” Immediate access to internet content has created habits
of quickly capturing basic or superficial facts, directed by clicks and hyperlinks
through designed paths. To slow this process, you will dwell in a place through its
local sounds. invites an open engagement with active radio stations across the globe. Radio programming is transitory, unlike static files that populate most digital platforms. Local radio stations are happening in real time. The conversations among DJ's and guests often speak to the life of a place and moment. This protocol asks you to study a place by spending time with a radio station.
Protocol Working Group
Cala Coats, Assistant Professor of Art Education, School of Art, Arizona State University, United
States of America
David Tinapple, Associate Professor, School of Art, Arizona State University, United States of America
Dwelling with Local Sounds, Cancun Mexico.
Saint-Denis, Réunion, Radio Station 1ère Radio FM 89.2
Yarona FM 106.6 - Gaborone,
Liberdade, Porto Alegre RS (Brazil)
Rome , Italy -Radio Radicale
Santorini, Greece
Love FM Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Iradio FM 89.6- Jakarta, Indonesia
Studio D: Radio Garden Station Rai Radio Tutta Italiana
Heart Radio MX- Guadalajara, Mexico
ON Schlager - Hof, Germany
Raadio Elmar - Tallinn, Estonia | Dwelling with Local Sounds
Dominicana FM- Santo Domingo
Life in Seoul
Bayernwelle Sudost, Germany
Bayernwelle Sudost, Germany
佛大之聲廣播電台 FM88.1 - Yilan, Taiwan
Rome, Italy Rai Radio 1
Rome, Italy Rai Radio 1
Sunshine 106.8; Dublin, Ireland
Sydney, Australia East Side Radio FM 89.7
Local sounds
Beijing, China FM 97.4
Dwelling with Local Sounds - Madrid, Spain
Eduador, Quito Exa FM 92.5
Mykonos, Greece Venus radio 99.3 and CavoParadiso Radio
Sleep Station in New Zeland
エフエム茶笛 (Chappy) 77.7
Radio Garden, Lolli Radio-Italia (Rome, Italy)
Birmingham, UK Switch Radio 107.5
La Bestia Grupera 102.5 FM- Culiacán, Mexico
Popular in Italy: Milan, 105 FM
Sound City 98.5 - Lagos, Nigeria
Grandma's and Grandpa's
Grandma's and Grandpa's response
J-Pop powerplay kawaii
93.6 Kosmos Radio FM -- Athens, Greece
2ARM FM 92.1 Armidale, Australia
EXA FM 104.1 XHMD - Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico.
TSF Jazz 89.9 Paris France