Onstead Institute Dissertation Award

The Onstead Institute Dissertation Award recognizes doctoral candidates in art education whose scholarship exhibits excellence within the field. An award amount of $5,000 will be distributed to the recipient during the spring semester of the 2024/25 academic year. 

Applications are due Oct. 4, 2024, by 5 p.m.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Current registration as a doctoral student in art education within CVAD at UNT.
  • Completion of all coursework for the Ph.D., except for doctoral dissertation hours that the faculty have approved.
  • Advancement to candidacy, including approval of the dissertation proposal.
  • A reasonable expectation of completion of all remaining requirements for the Ph.D. degree within 18 months of award notification.

Application Materials

Applicants must submit the following materials in the order outlined below:

  1. Cover page including name, contact information, and anticipated graduation date.
  2. An abstract of the dissertation project — 500-word maximum
  3. Impact statement that describes the significance of the dissertation for the field of art education
  4. Sample of writing that is related to the dissertation, including a chapter, relevant article, or proposal, or a sample piece of creative scholarship connected to the dissertation 
  5. A projected timeline that outlines a feasible pathway for completion of the dissertation within an 18-month period 
  6. One signed letter of support from the dissertation advisor
  7. Curriculum vitae — five pages maximum

Please submit the materials as a single PDF file to cvad.Onstead@unt.edu and include your last name in the file name.


A committee comprising CVAD faculty will review the applications and select a recipient. Applications will be evaluated on the originality of the presented ideas, the strength of the submitted writing/creative work, potential impact on the field, and the project's feasibility within the given period.


Spring 2024: Asli Kinsizer
Spring 2023: Inaugural Awardee, Cindy T. Davis