Data-driven Instruction

Kid, speaking in a thread attached steel glass



Participants will be divided into three groups. All participants in this experiment will be asked to collect data on a specific group or individual.

  • Group 1: a group of students with a professor lecturing/teaching. Students take notes on the lecture in a Google Doc. Professor uses a stream of data to guide their teaching. This activity is streamed to Group 2, who are not in sight of group 1.
  • Group 2: Each member of this group has a specific task related to gathering data on group 1. One person will transcribe everything that is being said, another will track movement, another will track data produced by (biometric?) bracelets. etc Group 2’s activity is streamed to Group 3, who are not in sight of either group 1 or 2.
  • Group 3 records data gathered by observing/measuring group 2, similar to what group 2 is doing in relation to Group 1. The data collected by group 3is streamed back to the professor, who uses it to teach the class.
  • This loop of data production and data-driven instruction is recorded simultaneously, and used for the debrief.

Group 1 will receive the following prompt: “Take notes on this lecture on the Google Doc, similarly to your regular experience in class”.

Groups 2 and 3 will receive the following prompt: “Collect data on what you observe on your screen, focusing on what is said/the movement of individuals/the data stream you receive from this device, and represent it in any way you see fit on the Google Doc provided”.


Protocol Working Group

Daniel Friedrich, Associate Professor of Curriculum, Teachers College, Columbia University, United States of America

Nathan Holbert, Assistant Professor of Communication, Media, and Learning Technologies, Teachers College, Columbia University, United States of America